Stun Master Stun Guns Details
Reliable And Effective Self Defense For Over 15 Years...For over 25 years stun guns have been the choice of people looking for non-lethal self defense. Stun Master stun guns have been the choice of thousands over the last 15 years. Not many stun guns manufacturers can say that. Stun Master is one of the most trusted and reliable stun guns on the market. They come with a Life-Time Warranty.
Stun Master stun guns are simple to use and reliable. They are effective because of the low amperage shock they give. People usually think it is the high voltage of stun guns that stops an attacker. Not true. Voltage doesn't hurt's amperage. One amp will kill someone. Our stun guns only have between 5-8 milliamps. Just enough to incapacitate an attacker without doing any permanent damage. They are Non-Lethal.
Some people have criticized stun guns because you need to touch someone for them to be effective. The reality is that most people who have a need to defend themselves find that the attacker is already within reach and usually have hands on them. That makes it very simple to press the stun gun against the attackers abdomen, neck or groin and pull the trigger releasing aggression stopping pain. Just stunning them on the hand that is grabbing you will make them let go.
You shouldn't worry about being shocked should the attacker be touching you. Won't happen! The current will not pass to you.
The purpose of stun guns is to quickly stop aggressive activity and give you an opportunity to escape.
Stun guns use high voltage and low amperage to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes. The stun gun does not rely on pain for results. The energy stored in the gun is dumped into the attacker’s muscles causing them to do a great deal of work rapidly. This rapid work cycle instantly depletes the attacker’s blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid. In short, he is unable to produce energy for his muscles, and his body is unable to function properly. The stun gun also interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that control and direct voluntary muscle movement. When the attacker’s neurological and muscular system is overwhelmed and controlled by the stun gun, he loses his balance. Should the attacker be touching you, the current will not pass to your body!
STUN MASTER® has been a leading brand in the stun gun industry since 1994 making it a true icon in the
world of self-defense. Maintaining this level of success for so many years in such a competitive field is the finest
recommendation any product could be given. The Stun Master stun guns have safety switches and wrist
straps. They use two 9 volt Energizer Eveready Alkaline batteries (except for the 100,000 volt which uses one). Stun
Master stun guns have a Lifetime Warranty.
We recommend the EVEREADY E N E R G I Z E R A L K A L I N E 9 VOLT BATTERY. Other batteries will not work as well. Warranty will only be honored if Energizer Eveready Batteries are used. You do not have to purchase them from us, but you do have to use them. You will need one 9 Volt Battery for the 100,000 Volt Stun Guns & two 9 Volt Batteries for the 300,000 Volt Stun Guns and the Stun Master Multi-Function Stun Gun.
Here's a brief history of the stun gun.
After the first batteries were created in the late 1800's an inventor, John Burton from Wichita, Kansas applied for and received a patent for his "Electric Prod Pole", or an electric cattle prod. Burton's purpose for creating this was to assist driving cattle without damaging their hides.
The model was very simple but effective. It used a battery, a coil of wound wire, and two prongs, one positive and the other negative. The coil stepped up the voltage enough so that the current could penetrate an animal's hide and cause a localized shock. Within a couple of decades another patent was given for a very similar battery powered design that used a new method to hold the end-cap on and added an on/off switch.
In 1950 the electric cattle prod was used by most cowboys to move cattle up the chutes. I'm sure it wasn't long before one cowboy zapped another and a seed for another use was planted.
In 1933 a Cuban inventor named Cirilo Diaz developed a "Stun Glove" that he thought would help the police cope with unruly suspects and demonstrators.
But, it didn't catch on. In the early 1960s police used cattle prods to help control riots and civil rights protesters.
Then comes Jack Cover who invented the Taser, Educated as a nuclear physicist, Cover invested most of his career earning a living in aerospace and defense industries. He started to build the Taser in the 1960s because of a rash of airplane hijackings. Sky marshals began carrying pistols on commercial airliners to deter hijackers, but Cover saw the possible danger. If a bullet missed the hijacker and pierced the fuselage instead, the plane could crash. He thought he could come up with a non-lethal way to stop hijackers.
In an interview with the Orange County Register in 1991 Cover said that he got the idea for the Taser after hearing about a man who was briefly immobilized by a fallen power line. He began experimenting in his garage and in the late 1960s developed a device that looked something like a flashlight but fired darts that transmitted an electrical charge. The darts had a range up to 15 feet.
He got the name for the device from one of his favorite childhood books, "Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle." In the book, the Tom Swift invents a rifle that shoots out bolts of electricity. The story obviously continued to inspire Cover's creativity years later, when he thought of the name TASER as an acronym for "Thomas A. Swift Electric Rifle." Cover added the middle initial "A" so the name would make more sense.
Since the 1960s the idea of a non-lethal, hand held personal protection device has inspired many styles such as lipstick stun batons, stun batons, flashlight stun guns, cell phone stun guns, and other disguised stun gun devices.
Stun Master stun guns are simple to use and reliable. They are effective because of the low amperage shock they give. People usually think it is the high voltage of stun guns that stops an attacker. Not true. Voltage doesn't hurt's amperage. One amp will kill someone. Our stun guns only have between 5-8 milliamps. Just enough to incapacitate an attacker without doing any permanent damage. They are Non-Lethal.
Some people have criticized stun guns because you need to touch someone for them to be effective. The reality is that most people who have a need to defend themselves find that the attacker is already within reach and usually have hands on them. That makes it very simple to press the stun gun against the attackers abdomen, neck or groin and pull the trigger releasing aggression stopping pain. Just stunning them on the hand that is grabbing you will make them let go.
You shouldn't worry about being shocked should the attacker be touching you. Won't happen! The current will not pass to you.
The purpose of stun guns is to quickly stop aggressive activity and give you an opportunity to escape.
Stun guns use high voltage and low amperage to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes. The stun gun does not rely on pain for results. The energy stored in the gun is dumped into the attacker’s muscles causing them to do a great deal of work rapidly. This rapid work cycle instantly depletes the attacker’s blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid. In short, he is unable to produce energy for his muscles, and his body is unable to function properly. The stun gun also interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that control and direct voluntary muscle movement. When the attacker’s neurological and muscular system is overwhelmed and controlled by the stun gun, he loses his balance. Should the attacker be touching you, the current will not pass to your body!
STUN MASTER® has been a leading brand in the stun gun industry since 1994 making it a true icon in the
world of self-defense. Maintaining this level of success for so many years in such a competitive field is the finest
recommendation any product could be given. The Stun Master stun guns have safety switches and wrist
straps. They use two 9 volt Energizer Eveready Alkaline batteries (except for the 100,000 volt which uses one). Stun
Master stun guns have a Lifetime Warranty.
We recommend the EVEREADY E N E R G I Z E R A L K A L I N E 9 VOLT BATTERY. Other batteries will not work as well. Warranty will only be honored if Energizer Eveready Batteries are used. You do not have to purchase them from us, but you do have to use them. You will need one 9 Volt Battery for the 100,000 Volt Stun Guns & two 9 Volt Batteries for the 300,000 Volt Stun Guns and the Stun Master Multi-Function Stun Gun.
Here's a brief history of the stun gun.
After the first batteries were created in the late 1800's an inventor, John Burton from Wichita, Kansas applied for and received a patent for his "Electric Prod Pole", or an electric cattle prod. Burton's purpose for creating this was to assist driving cattle without damaging their hides.
The model was very simple but effective. It used a battery, a coil of wound wire, and two prongs, one positive and the other negative. The coil stepped up the voltage enough so that the current could penetrate an animal's hide and cause a localized shock. Within a couple of decades another patent was given for a very similar battery powered design that used a new method to hold the end-cap on and added an on/off switch.
In 1950 the electric cattle prod was used by most cowboys to move cattle up the chutes. I'm sure it wasn't long before one cowboy zapped another and a seed for another use was planted.
In 1933 a Cuban inventor named Cirilo Diaz developed a "Stun Glove" that he thought would help the police cope with unruly suspects and demonstrators.
But, it didn't catch on. In the early 1960s police used cattle prods to help control riots and civil rights protesters.
Then comes Jack Cover who invented the Taser, Educated as a nuclear physicist, Cover invested most of his career earning a living in aerospace and defense industries. He started to build the Taser in the 1960s because of a rash of airplane hijackings. Sky marshals began carrying pistols on commercial airliners to deter hijackers, but Cover saw the possible danger. If a bullet missed the hijacker and pierced the fuselage instead, the plane could crash. He thought he could come up with a non-lethal way to stop hijackers.
In an interview with the Orange County Register in 1991 Cover said that he got the idea for the Taser after hearing about a man who was briefly immobilized by a fallen power line. He began experimenting in his garage and in the late 1960s developed a device that looked something like a flashlight but fired darts that transmitted an electrical charge. The darts had a range up to 15 feet.
He got the name for the device from one of his favorite childhood books, "Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle." In the book, the Tom Swift invents a rifle that shoots out bolts of electricity. The story obviously continued to inspire Cover's creativity years later, when he thought of the name TASER as an acronym for "Thomas A. Swift Electric Rifle." Cover added the middle initial "A" so the name would make more sense.
Since the 1960s the idea of a non-lethal, hand held personal protection device has inspired many styles such as lipstick stun batons, stun batons, flashlight stun guns, cell phone stun guns, and other disguised stun gun devices.